
Vertical Gas Atomizer: Source "Powder Metallurgy Science" Second Edition, R.M. German, MPIF.

Within the powder metal industry some different gas atomization processes exists. Most of them are for the economic powder production in large quantities. So called liquid gas atomization processes are focused on the production of rapidly solidified amorphous or nanocrystalline powders.

AMT and partners have developed a special hypersonic powder atomization process. This process is still under development. The resulting powders show an amorphous and/or nanocrystalline microstructure. It will be compacted afterwards with a so called shockwave forging process. The compacted plates or billets of this powder show exceptional properties. Strength levels up to 1.500 MPa could be obtained. Currently these strength levels are only reached by Titanium and Steel alloys.

Fig. a: Nozzle unit. In the center the annular gap, at the outside the Argon gas inlet.


Fig. b: Annular gap of the Laval nozzle. Tolerances are only a few microns.


Fig. c: Inside of nozzle unit. Well visible is the polished Laval-nozzle.


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